ESN Country Presentations: Our very own Global Village in Pécs!



ESN Country Presentations: Our very own Global Village in Pécs!

Have you ever heard about the Global Village in Dubai? Were you lucky enough to visit it? If you answered no to the questions above, then fear not! Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Pecs has got you covered! ESN Pecs organizes its very own Global Village a.k.a. the Country Presentations. ESN has been organizing several cultural events for its incoming Erasmus students to intermingle with people from different cultures.

If you want to experience different cultures, nationalities and traditions in one place and one night, then head over to the Country Presentations that happen every week. But wait! What are country Presentations? Every semester, ESN gives the opportunity to students from all over the world to represent their culture and show off their traditional clothes and food.

In one night, you can know the history including some facts and achievements of a country. I guarantee you, by the end of the night, you will also know the traditional dance of the country. Apart from this, you get an opportunity to taste the country’s traditional food and drinks. Usually, two countries get to present on each occasion, which means, you get to experience two cultures in one night.

For example, If Pakistan and Greece are presenting then you basically hit the JACKPOT!

At one end, you are tasting spicy yet scrumptious Pakistani food while at the other end, you will also taste the mouth-watering Greek cuisine. While for many, the highlight of the night is usually the food, the fun-filled night also includes various traditional games like tongue twisters or even repeating sentences in the national language of the country. Students also get a chance to show off their singing and dancing skills. This semester, the Erasmus students have established a tradition. During the end of the night, students stay back and end the night with Karaoke.

Organizing Country Presentations has been a custom for ESN Pecs. Let me tell you, organizing each presentation requires a lot of hard work. ESN Pecs has a whole department dedicated to only Country Presentations with Shahab Wali Khan leading it as the Country Presentation Coordinator. Fortunately, the students take this seriously as well.

Before arriving at Pecs for their exchange semester, they make sure to bring a piece of home with them so they can showcase it during their Country Presentation.

Also, the efforts that students put in are not wasted, during the end of the semester, students get to vote for the country that was the best host. The country with the most votes is awarded several presents by ESN Pécs. While ESN Pécs arranges Country presentations for Erasmus Students, however, International Students from across the world are encouraged to participate. The more the merrier, right? Previously countries like Pakistan, Tunisia, Belarus, Columbia, Mexico, Egypt, Ecuador etc have also participated.

The schedule for this year’s Country Presentations has already been posted on ESN Pécs official Facebook page.

The next Country Presentation will be held on the 19th of March 2020 in Trafik. The entrance fee is 300 HUF only. Your hosts for that night will be Germany, Lithuania and Portugal. Don’t forget to attend this global event and experience three cultures in one night.


Written by Mariam Hamid
International Student Ambassador from Pakistan
International Relations BA
University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities 
Study in Pécs, Hungary - Pakistani portal


Source:  PTE EHÖK (

university of pecs, study in hungary, international student ambassador, student life, pécs